Thursday, December 9, 2010


My street in Cambodia. It's part of a pretty Western section of town, but that archway is the entrance to the place where buddhist monks live.

There are many kids in Cambodia who have to scrounge for food in garbage heaps, don't have parents, or are HIV positive.

As in Vietnam, motorbikes are used to transport just about anything. 

Houses on stilts along the Mekong River.

Really packing people in.

Boat on the Mekong River.

Monk on the ferry to an island in the Mekong.

Me on a silk loom weaving a skirt!

Mekong Island, 30 min from Phnom Penh.

House on Mekong Island.

This woman has character.

Huts along the Mekong River.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Monks at Angkor Wat.

The entrance to Angkor Wat.

Angkor Wat is a former Hindu temple that has been a buddhist temple for the last five centuries.

The temple is the symbol of Cambodia and is on the country's flag as the only building to appear on a flag. 

Angkor Wat was built in the early 12th century. 

The group in front of Angkor Wat.

The building is lined with thousands of apsaras or mystical women carved into the stone. 

Intricately carved stone door ledges. 

From one of Angkor's towers. 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sihanoukville, Cambodia

Sihanoukville on the southern coast of Cambodia is the main beach area. We went away from the tourist section to a secluded beach area called Otres.

View from my breakfast table at my beach bungalow.

Sun setting over the Gulf of Thailand. 

We kayaked out to an island with volcanic rocks and huge bright green beetles. 

We went snorkeling the second day, but I was so burnt from the kayaking that I tried to stay in the shade as much as possible.

The group picnicking on the beach.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Hoi An, Central Vietnam

Hoi An is located on the coast of Central Vietnam. 

Historically, Hoi An served as an important point for trade. 

In the 16th and 17th centuries Japanese, Chinese, Dutch, and Vietnamese merchants all lived in Hoi An and have contributed to its rich architecture.

Many of the yellow buildings are influenced by the French colonialists and are among the most beautiful structures I have seen in Vietnam.

The town lies on the water and boats are as important a form of transportation as trucks or motorbikes. 

Bridge built by the Japanese in the 16th century. 

Monday, November 1, 2010

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur is a mere two hour flight from Saigon, but is a world away in terms of differences.
Kuala Lumpur is ethnically very diverse with Malays, Indians, Arabs and Chinese influences. 

Indian ceremonial garlands.

The train station and a modern skyscraper with an Islamic twist. 

Beautiful mosque that is important to the Islamic country. 

The towers that are the iconic reference of Kuala Lumpur and featured in the fantastic film, Entrapment. Inside is a huge shopping mall, concert hall, and I believe an area for business. It was really interesting to see Muslim women in Hijab headscarves shopping at stores like Chanel, Topshop, and Hermes. 

Shopping is one of the main features of Kuala Lumpur. 

Whether it is for hijabs as pictured above, or at the Gap in their extremely modern shopping malls, people are spending a lot of money. The shopping malls have nightclubs and restaurants throughout and are popular places to be on a Saturday night. 

The infrastructure of Malaysia is so advanced. They have a modern subway line, cars, and streets with real traffic rules. Vietnam hardly has cars let alone a subway line. Kuala Lumpur was extremely interesting, but it's nice to be back in Vietnam where I can get a bowl of pho for $1 and overlook the bustling streets of Saigon.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

mui ne beach

I spent this weekend riding around from beach to beach on both bicycles and motorbikes, taking in the breathtaking scenery. 

Palm trees galore.

My friend, Tanya, perched on the top of the giant red sand dunes that abut the beach. 

The surf was comparable in magnitude to the waves at home in Quogue. 

Beach hut. 

Village with fishing boats speckling the water.

My motorbike chauffeur extraordinaire. 

Thatched beach house with local kids standing in front of their abode.