Monday, November 1, 2010

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur is a mere two hour flight from Saigon, but is a world away in terms of differences.
Kuala Lumpur is ethnically very diverse with Malays, Indians, Arabs and Chinese influences. 

Indian ceremonial garlands.

The train station and a modern skyscraper with an Islamic twist. 

Beautiful mosque that is important to the Islamic country. 

The towers that are the iconic reference of Kuala Lumpur and featured in the fantastic film, Entrapment. Inside is a huge shopping mall, concert hall, and I believe an area for business. It was really interesting to see Muslim women in Hijab headscarves shopping at stores like Chanel, Topshop, and Hermes. 

Shopping is one of the main features of Kuala Lumpur. 

Whether it is for hijabs as pictured above, or at the Gap in their extremely modern shopping malls, people are spending a lot of money. The shopping malls have nightclubs and restaurants throughout and are popular places to be on a Saturday night. 

The infrastructure of Malaysia is so advanced. They have a modern subway line, cars, and streets with real traffic rules. Vietnam hardly has cars let alone a subway line. Kuala Lumpur was extremely interesting, but it's nice to be back in Vietnam where I can get a bowl of pho for $1 and overlook the bustling streets of Saigon.

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