Sunday, September 19, 2010

countryside at last

I have seen nothing but intense urbanity and concrete for the last 3 weeks, so it was very refreshing to see trees and green foliage today as we ventured into the countryside 2.5 hours outside of Saigon. We sang a children's song in Vietnamese and performed a play to a group of elementary school children. Afterwards, we visited a few of the families in their houses.

The local gang.

Rural kitchen fully equipped with live chicken, pigs, cats, birds and dogs.

Little girl in countryside. Healthcare, specifically dental care and receiving proper vaccinations, is a huge issue for many Vietnamese. The average salary in Vietnam is $500, and many of the rural areas survive on a lot less than that. 

1 comment:

  1. Isabel, your blog is so informative and I love your pictures! I hope you are having fun, miss you!
