Sunday, October 3, 2010

uncommon eats

In addition to an uncommon palette for snake infused rice wine, fermented shrimp sauce, and congealed duck blood, the Vietnamese enjoy a taste of dogs, cats, insects, field mice, pig's brains, and partially formed chicken fetuses (in situ-- i.e. still in the egg). 

Grubs                                                  Dog

My foreign relations teacher has been living in Vietnam for over a decade and has eaten all of this country's culinary delights. He recommends everything but the congealed blood and advises allowing at least two weeks between eating dog and returning to your dog at home. A few years ago he ate dog two days before going home to visit his parents in the U.S. and when he walked through the door his dog started running excitedly towards him, but as soon as the dog was within 3 feet of him he turned on his heel and hid from my teacher for a week. The conclusion my teacher made was that his dog could somehow smell that he had dog meat in his system. Don't worry Pip, I'm not too tempted by dog meat, so we won't have this issue.

Cow                                               Chicken

Like any country besides the U.S., the Vietnamese have no qualms with putting their meats out on display. Even dog meat is quartered right in front of your eyes at the local market. 

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